My September in reading

I’m not sure this has ever happened to me since I started methodically keeping track of the books I read—but I only read one book in September. One.

I was traveling all over the place and catching up on life after my bout with COVID, so it makes sense. And yet…one?! For what it’s worth, here’s my review.

Bad with Money: The Imperfect Art of Getting Your Financial Sh*t Together by Gabe Dunn

I am not bad with money, per se, but the extent of my financial knowledge is basically “don’t spend more than you have.” Or at least that’s what I thought! I was surprised by how much Dunn covered that I already knew through osmosis. That said, they do bring in several elements that people don’t always consider when it comes to money—the effects of mental illness on spending, for example. Dunn is hilarious, and considering it’s about finances, the book is a blast to read. I’d especially recommend it for younger people heading out into the world—high school and college grads, that sort of thing.

Note: The author now goes by Gabe—their name hasn’t been updated on the book cover.