essays and articles

We’re Going to Be Using “We” a Little Less
The corporate We, however, can serve to obfuscate. Every time I use it, I’m describing a culture of care that doesn’t truly exist.

My parents are dead. Here are the 5 most important things I've learned as executor.
We all expect grief, but nobody tells you about the legal and financial hoops you’ll have to jump through after the death of a loved one.

My parents are dead—can I afford avocado toast now?
One of Salon’s 10 most popular life stories of 2023
Lately the grim reaper and I have grown so close we might as well exchange friendship bracelets.

Funerals, Meet Millennials
Connecting Directors
Over the next few decades, Millennials will become the funeral industry’s primary customers—and we’re bringing our phone call phobia and eco-friendly values with us.

I don’t miss coffee, but
Atlas and Alice
There’s something menstrual about the smell of coffee, thick and bitter as the beans are ground and brewed to liquid.