My year in reading (so far)


I must have fantastic literary taste, because I’ve read some great books since 2020 swept in! Here are some very brief reviews:

Meander, Spiral, Explode: Design and Pattern in Narrative by Jane Alison - Thank goodness someone is talking about narrative alternatives to the classic story arc! I’m definitely going to incorporate some of these ideas into my own writing. I didn’t always love the book examples that Alison used; I either wasn’t familiar with them at all, which made me inclined to skim, or I wasn’t a fan of the author (BOO SEBALD!), which made me want to skim even more. But that’s a personal problem! If you’re a writer, you should definitely pick this one up.

Emergency Contact by Mary H.K. Choi - What a charming teen romance! And I love to see YA books about college—I’m honestly surprised there are so few. I’m in love with Penny and Sam’s love story (especially how it all starts with a panic attack)—but the best part is that I love all the side characters, too. I’d read an entire novel about Jude or Mallory. You should pick this one up if you want to feel happy.

Before and After the Book Deal: A Writer’s Guide to Finishing, Publishing, Promoting, and Surviving Your First Book by Courtney Maum - When I took that class with Courtney Maum a few weeks ago, I knew her book would be useful. But HOLY COW! It is SO TREMENDOUSLY USEFUL! Not to mention funny. I’m fortunate enough to have an agent already, but I still found nuggets of wisdom in the “before” section—and you can bet that when I finally do sell a book, I’m going to use the “after” section like a bible. This is a must-read for writers.

Who Put This Song On? by Morgan Parker - Were you a teenager between 2006 & 2010? If so, you will love this YA novel. Nostalgia like whoa. The accompanying playlist is everything. The novel deals with anxiety and depression in an honest and straightforward way, which I appreciated. Morgan—the character, not the author(?)—feels real, sturdy, tangible. I knew/know that person. You should absolutely pick this one up.

I know four books doesn’t sound like a lot in two months, but I’ve also been reading a book of poetry veeerrrry slowly, and I started another book that I gave myself permission to put down. This was difficult for me, as I feel extremely guilty when I abandon books. Being raised Midwestern and Catholic is a trip.