Conferences and quarantines

On March 4th I flew to San Antonio for the Association of Writers & Writing Programs (AWP) Conference. Afterwards, I took a bus to Austin for a few days, then flew back on the 11th—which was only a week ago. But thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, it seems like a year since then.


In retrospect, it was totally irresponsible to hold the conference at all—not to mention ableist. That said, I’m glad I got out of the house before being cooped up inside for who knows how long. It was nice seeing the friends I only get to see once a year—my Split Lip crew, my MFA classmates. I ended up filling in at two readings and one panel; it was the first time I’d read my work aloud since I graduated from my MFA in 2016. That meant a lot to me. Though I wish so many people hadn’t been forced to drop out of the conference to make it happen!

I did come home with an impressive small press book haul. Good thing, too—I’ll need plenty of reading material now that the whole country is in quarantine. Here’s what I bought:

Needless to say, I’m glad I brought my biggest suitcase.