Mysterious sea creatures of the Netherlands

I’m pleased as punch that Longleaf Review published my flash “The Loosening Grip” on their site this week! I was at Riot Fest when I got the news, so I was unable to share more broadly at the time due to limited cell reception. Gosh darn all you punk kids swarming Douglas Park!

I wrote the first draft of this story back in 2016, when I was nannying my cousin’s kids in Amsterdam; their apartment was right next to the Amstel, and I’d often put little Matthijs in his stroller and walk him up and down the river, watching the houseboats bob in the gray water. Amsterdam is a beautiful city, its canals lined with tall, narrow brick buildings, often leaning slightly, colorful shutters thrown open on every floor. I was there in the fall and winter, and even though it was usually overcast, I always wanted to be outside. I ditched the traditional bicycle and took lots of long walks around the various neighborhoods, popping into cafes for a warm cup of muntthee and a bit of writing.

Okay—I ditched the bike because I’m really clumsy and ran it into a wall. I don’t understand how fixies work!

Anyway, I have to thank my friends Laura, Tim, and Leta; at the time we sent photo prompts to each other on a regular basis, and it was one of those that inspired this piece. And yes, I do take forever to edit and submit. I’ll never understand how people find the time to submit work hundreds of times per year—I’m lucky if I get around to submitting twenty times! But I’m very happy this one found a home in Longleaf Review, which is such a gorgeous journal. I had a feeling it would be a good fit for them, and I’m glad they agreed.