I saw Goody Proctor with the Devil

In October of last year, the devil paid me a visit—I hear he does that. I started writing lots of little micros, all featuring the Prince of Darkness in various forms. I’m honored that HAD published two of them this week.

I love a good constraint when I’m writing, and for this series of devil stories, I gave myself several:

  • No more than 300 words

  • Does not take place from the devil’s perspective

  • A character must sign the devil’s black book with their own blood

I’ve written maybe 12 of them now? Some need a lot of work. Some are in different POVs, but so far the most successful ones seem to be in second-person, so maybe I’ll stick to that and rewrite the others to fit.

Would I like to do a chapbook someday? The thought has crossed my mind. All I’ll say for now is that HAD isn’t the only journal that’s picked up some of my devil stories. Stay tuned…